how did you feel receiving a compliment why

Complimenting yourself offers many advantages in the long-run. The first two of these strategies create a problem. You learn more. Why Compliments are Powerful. Say thank you If you feel uncomfortable with compliments, a simple "thank you" is all you need to accept the kind words and validate the giver. Here are a few ways to respond to a compliment: "Thank you, it makes my day to hear that.". Ever since I started to really focus on receiving compliments in a positive way, I've noticed other people undermining the compliments they are given and it makes me feel awkward for them!. Norihiro Sadata, one of the study authors, said in a statement, "To the brain, receiving a compliment is as much a social reward as being rewarded money. But let's go back to how YOU can compliment your man in a way that really makes a difference in how he sees you, and how attracted to you he feels. 1 - DON'T: Undermine The Compliment. It's quite the convoluted mess. Following the right etiquette is extremely important if you want to become more feminine, so make sure to practice receiving compliments the right way. Do you have difficulty accepting compliments? Use these journaling prompts to help you discover your feelings about compliments and to dig deeper on what may make you feel uncomfortable. 3. Anna Bartter looks into the brain-boosting power of a compliment. As I was leaving the office last night, I told a . "I am sensing something in me freezes and goes numb when I'm offered a compliment .". Here are five ways to respond to compliments more gracefully. Fight the urge to minimize the compliment by saying, "thank you, but". We've been able to find scientific proof that a person performs better when they receive a social reward after completing an . Men and women are different in many ways, but there's one thing we all have been wired to seek: appreciation. This is not to be confused with arrogance/ego or selfishness. There's also scientific proof that praise is an effective motivator. His widely respected . DelGreco and Denes adopted a research-based definition of a compliment as "a speech act which . 3 Tips for Receiving a Compliment. 3. If someone compliments you The best way to respond is to think about why they compliment you, if sincere, use it to your advantage or turn it off completely. But you don't get burned to a crisp neither. All you need to say is "Thank you" and smile! Praise from one's partner can make someone with low self-esteem feel pressured to live up to . Yes, it is possible because when compliments become excessive, this might lead to an expectation to receive compliments for all work that we do, and when the time comes that fewer people are paying attention to us, it might make us lose our original motivation and momentum to succeed. If your understanding of love as a child was along the lines of something you earned by doing things for other people (developmental trauma), receiving a compliment can feel like a debt or an . Given time, you'll feel it in your body, or you'll feel it. We do this without even noticing. Many of us feel uncomfortable receiving praise because we don't want to appear egotistical and arrogant. Let's say that a woman 'digged' you, but you don't really like her, that way. A bit embarrassed to have the spotlight on me, but I would smile and say "Thank you!" Don't expect a compliment in return. We'd love to hear them! Work to maintain good eye contact (don't stare-that's weird), lean slightly forward, and engage those around you with warm facial expressions. We all want to be the star of our movie. One of the ways prospective daters attempt to build rapport is through the use of compliments. If you think of something nice, say it. Receive from Mother Nature. Truth is, most of what we accomplish is due, in part, to the assistance of others. When it comes to giving compliments, make. It just doesn't ring true with your belief system. Ask a question Sometimes asking a follow-up question can help you better understand . You become less insecure. There are few things in life as instantly mood-boosting as being complimented. Psychologist John Gottman most likely agrees. The easiest way to grow and develop confidence is to give and receive kind and . Additionally, if you love receiving compliments, please share in the comments what have been the best compliments you've received to date. Frankly speaking I compliment others when I genuinely feel the other person needs to be appreciated for his/ her good qualities. This is where someone gives you a compliment and you dismiss it by saying something that gives their compliment less value. Whether we're talking about eating a delicious fruit or making a salad: these are all mother nature's gifts. ONE. This is not dignified. If receiving a compliment makes you uncomfortable, you aren't alone. Remember that people are not obliged to compliment you on anything - if they did it . This is the main reason why we rarely give or receive compliments. I don't know why but it makes me feel really weird. How do you do this? There's this weird mixture of wanting praise, being embarrassed by it, and thinking the person wants something in return. Why do we feel this way? A smile is always welcome, and a "thank you" can never go wrong. Alternatively, if it's not so nice, keep it to yourself. Receiving praise can actually have a multitude of benefits. Taking a heartfelt compliment with grace promotes a more positive way of life. This leads to a vicious . In other words, you make it clear, politely so, that the other person is wrong. Nevertheless, if you believe that positive reinforcement is better than punishment, you may be motivated to change this. Be Sincere While it may seem harmless to pay someone an insincere compliment with good intentions, it can actually do more damage. The most important thing is for it to be sincere. Here are some possibilities for why receiving is often more difficult than giving: Defense against intimacy. Also, when someone else gives you a . Be grateful for all the beautiful things you have . Before we start thinking about compliments and this nature of communication with others, I must begin by saying that it is something which can vary from person to person, their likes and dislikes, and the contexts they find themselves in. 338 opinions shared on Flirting topic. D., low self-esteem is the #1 reason we are so quick to reject a compliment. We use cookies to provide you with a great experience and to help our website run effectively. Genuine appreciation is when you tell someone they're goo. There is more hunger for love and appreciation in this world than for bread. A 2012 study revealed that receiving compliments can help improve motivation and performance. It matches your eyes." 4. Commending someone for a character trait, an achievement, or the effort that they put into doing something such as preparing a meal can go a long way. You smile more. Around 70% of people in a survey associated feelings of embarrassment and discomfort with praise. "Thank you, I really . The best way to respond is to accept it with grace when it comes to showing mercy or giving back if it isn't. But don't try to distract or insult the incoming message. Answer (1 of 10): > How do guys feel about receiving compliments? Receiving praise from others elicits discomfort when it conflicts with one's existing belief system. You . The desire for praise is obvious: Being told you're not good enough all the time takes a toll where you want to live up to the expectations and fail each time. Now, how you let her down real easy, so her feelings aren't hurt? TWO. "It takes both sun and rain for a flower to grow.". Ok, here's another question. There are some guys who automatically think it's flirting, other might just smile and say thank you. Receiving a compliment with ease and comfort demonstrates the character attribute of self-confidence and self-value. A good compliment doesn't have to be related to one's appearance, Sussman says. Rather than just telling someone they look nice, tell that person: "You look so handsome in that blue shirt you're wearing. 1. For example: If you believe that you're a boring person and someone tells you how interesting you are, you're going to feel uncomfortable with hearing this. Put me down. A compliment should make you feel good, and it should also make the complimenter feel good. When men receive compliments, we feel special. In fact, you might feel "shy", "corny", "dumb", or even "ridiculous" when someone compliments you. If anyone can explain it or feels similar 48 adults were asked to learn and perform specific finger patterns, which involved pushing keys on a keyboard in a particular sequence, while their performance was timed. If you minimize or completely deny the achievement . No justifications, no change of subject. Receiving creates a moment of connection. This can help make sure that our compliments get the desired effect on people's moods, as well as help us get over that awkward feeling or trepidation about giving out affirmations. Disagreement Disagreement when we receive a compliment is when we very politely disagree with the person giving the compliment. Or they might stammer and stutter like your guy did. "I really put a lot of thought into this, thank you for noticing.". People with it can really struggle with both giving and getting compliments. You look great, and you are doing . He might have been flustered because he wasn't accustomed to receiving compliments of that nature and was caught off-guard. They may cast off kind words about themselves because they don't feel worthy of getting them. Luck The reason to do this is so you have a relationship with the part of you that freezes and goes numb. Put me down or you will suffer the consequences. If your compliment is rejected or deflected, don't take it personally! Do you feel genuine when giving compliments? 161 votes, 141 comments. I hate recieving compliments. Yeah, I'm right behind you. How do you feel receiving them? Accept a compliment, even if you feel uncomfortable. ~ Mother Teresa. Take some time to sense that part of you. Person B: "You just haven't eaten Mike's food yet, now that's a good cook". For example: Person A: "You are a really good cook". Share but Don't Transfer the Credit. Prioritizing giving over receiving may be a . Use the Language of Acknowledging. Researchers believe that the compliments made them perform better. Answer (1 of 3): If you feel there is something good about a certain person then you should compliment them. Yet, learning to do so graciously can enhance your executive presence and relationships with others. You see a positive shift in your productivity and efficiency levels. According to Guy Winch, Ph.

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how did you feel receiving a compliment why