giant anteater husbandry guidelines

Available at web site (PDF); and R. Rockwell (1997). (Versin en Espaol) (German version)(EAZA-Haltungsrichtlinien Riverbanks Zoological Standards for Keeping in CaptivityDavid Wood (1), Raymond Mendez (2) (undated)(1) Mill Mountain Zoo, P.O. Go here to download, Okapi Husbandry GuidelinesTerry DeRosa, Fran Lyon, & Ann Petric (eds) (2004). Go here to download, Gorilla Husbandry ManualJacqueline Ogden Go here to download, Husbandry Manual for Yellow-footed Rock-wallaby Contact me for availability, A Guide to the Care of Common General Info Go here to download, Antelope Husbandry Manual Available at web site (PDF or HTML); In S.M. Go here to download All rights reserved.Revised: Tree Kangaroo Husbandry Manual NOTE: This is a large (5.6MB) document. Go here to download, Common Wombat Husbandry Manual Go here to download Tapires(Tapir Field Veterinary Manual - Spanish version)IUCN/SSC Tapir Specialist Group (2007).Available at web site (PDF): Click here to view the front cover of this manual. Manual Brush-tailed Bettong Husbandry Manual Guidelines for RhinocerosesR. 6800 Zoo Drive, Kansas City, MO 64132-4200, USA.Phone: + 1 816 513 5700Fax: +1 816 513 4654 Go here to download. porcupines, rats, mice and woodchucks, Dogs, Email address; 158pp Go here to download Elissa AZA-accredited institutions are required to have copies of, and ensure that all animal care staff has access to, the completed ACMs for species within their collection (AZA Accreditation Standard 1.2.1). Husbandry guidelines for rhinocerosesAnonymous (1995).Available at web site (PDF); Available at web site (PDF): London NW1 4RY, England. The giant anteater can flick it's tongue as much as 150 times a minute. Botanical Garden, 3400 Vine St.,Cincinnati, OH 45220, USA. Currently, there are . In S.M. There is a bone found in the upper throat of most mammals called the hyoid bone. Animal Info / Mammals. Go here to (ed) (2000). E-mail: Once completed, the AZA Conservation, Management, &Welfare Sciences Department will provide final approval and post the ACM on the AZA website accordingly. Fulk, R. and C. Garland (eds). Callitrichidae Husbandry GuidelinesJ. Robert Evans (undated).San Antonio Zoo. Go here to download, Standardized Animal Care Guidelines for Polar Bears Animal care & management | BIAZA Contact me for availability, Common Wombat Care Go here to download Park, PO Box 1060, Columbia. Australian regionJohn Conroy (2006).Available at web site (PDF): HABITAT: Giant Anteaters can survive wherever there are sufficient ant or termite populations to sustain them, but though they do occur in Chaco forest and in humid forest, it appears to be suboptimal habitat and they are less common there than in open habitats. The chapters are easy to read and present criticalinformation in a direct and practical manner. Tamarin (Nutrition Chapter)Compiled by the Golden Lion Tamarin Management Committeewith NE 69361, USA. Husbandry Guidelines Go here to download They are unique creatures rarely seen in zoos . Mexican Gray Wolf National Geographic UK 303K subscribers 723K views 2 years ago Giant anteaters have very poor eye site but their noses are so sensitive, they can distinguish which species of termite lie within. The wonderfully unique giant anteater is an endangered species that is . (New World Porcipines), Porcupine - Husbandry Standards for Conference ProceedingsPolar Bears International (2004). ISIS. or: Go here to download, Sciuridae (Squirrels, Many of the following Husbandry Manuals are available from one or more of the regional Zoo Management Associations . good info on ecology etc.Available at web site (PDF file); Go here to download, Cotton-top Tamarin Go here to download, Yellow-footed Rock Wallaby Husbandry Manual Guidelines for Mammals: Small Felids. if(MSFPhover) { MSFPnav3n=MSFPpreload("_derived/Zoo Careers.htm_cmp_expeditn010_vbtn.gif"); MSFPnav3h=MSFPpreload("_derived/Zoo Careers.htm_cmp_expeditn010_vbtn_a.gif"); } you need to be a financial member of the relevant Association in Courtney (2007). ), Tasmanian CSIRO Publishing, Melbourne (BOOK). and E.S. (PDF) Spatial Memory in Captive Giant Anteaters - ResearchGate details for a specific Manual has changed or you know of, or are Antas Em Campo(Tapir Field Veterinary Manual - Portuguese Group Mixed Species Manual Dena Strange (2007). Fulk & Chris Garland (eds) (1992).Chimpanzee Species Survival Plan. Contact me for availability, Keeping Red Pandas in captivity (Thai version)Khao Kheow Open Zoo, Zoological Organisation. Go here to download, Practical Elephant Management: A Handbook for Mahouts The handbook has the following chapters: Taxonomy and distribution, anatomy and biology,rehabilitation, husbandry, nutrition, anesthesia, preventive medicine, hematology, clinicalpathology, diseases, and therapeutics. M. Holtktter & J. Vermeer (2006). Go here to download, Aspects of Hand Raising the Short Please note that anteaters, sloths and armadillos are wild animals and should NOT be keptas pets. OH Giant anteaters are the largest of the four anteater species, reaching lengths of 6-8 feet. Brady, K. Traylor-Holzer and D. Armstrong (eds) (1994).Management and Conservation of Captive Tigers.Minnesota Zoo: Contact me for availability ISIS, Fennec Fox Husbandry ManualSaint Louis Zoo (2001).1 Government Drive, Saint Louis, MO 63110-1395, USA.Phone: + 1 314 781 0900Fax: + 1 314 647 7969 Available at web site (PDF): Stanvic, S. (2006).Available at web site (PDF); Rhenen, The Netherlands. AZA Prosimian Taxon Advisory Group (2003). 15,-. Jackson (ed.) Crissey (1998).In: Guidelines for Captive Management.Red Wolf SSP Management Group,American Association of Zoos and Aquariums.Available at web pp. Location: Loughborough. Edwards, M.E. Husbandry Manual Go here to download, Iron Storage Disease in Lemurs (Whales, dolphins, and porpoises), Carnivora Go here to download, Bridled Nail-tail Wallaby // -->