excuses to get out of drill weekend

**Person kills a cop and a security guard and ends up next to the organization waiting to engage law enforcement, he was caught.law enforcement response was disorganized due to lack of large scale practice. Best practice is to allow people to opt out, for any reason. That said, there is a little bit of the risk involved because either you will end up making them feel bad or you will actually have to leave your house if they say yes. I would totally wake up with a migraine that day and never feel bad for a moment. The key to success is planning and communication. Im a survivor of gun violence and Ive lost a loved one in a mass shooting. My 18 year old brother called me in a panic because his girlfriend was in one of the buildings they thought the shooter was in, and Im pretty sure the panic in his voice is going to stay with me for the rest of my life. You Had a Flat Tire 10. In the United States, the First Amendment of the Constitution (namely, the Bill of Rights) proclaims that all citizens have the freedom to practice their religion and that there will be no laws prohibiting the free exercise of religion. No amount of training can mitigate the danger of letting anyone have a gun. I think about my plan a lot bc the patients we serve make us a target. That sounds ridiculously triggering and excessive for anyone, let alone someone with anxiety. I didnt have notice of this one, and I think the most disturbing thing was that my kids have been conditioned to just accept that someone trying to kill you is a situation they should prepare for. The lights were on a timer. A few days after the drill, I heard from a coworker that several faculty were sitting together in a conference room with the door open. As someone old enough that I had to worry about this in high school and now I have to see my kid doing active shooter drills, I absolutely think people who did not grow up in a similar situation do not understand how very different it is having lived with it much of our lives. If you graduated high school in the last 15 years, youve done active shooter drills. Attend events and functions, volunteer for leadership positions, and just generally be a positive presence within your unit. I jumped straight to calling out sick, well before I got that part of Alisons answer. Honestly, the boss Im going to take her word for it that hes a nice guy, but hes clearly demonstrated that as far as hes concerned, failing to participate is just going to be a sign that shes everything he probably secretly believes about women and Gen Z. Have a good gaming night! Another employee came in and joked that with the door wide open, she could have killed them all if she was a shooter and didnt they learn anything about locking doors from our recent drill? A study by the Robert Wood Johnson Foundation found that in 2015, approximately 25% of adults regularly played sports. What do you think of attending college while on Active Duty, Marginal 1059 while attending Drill Sergeant School. You're Sick 2. This website is supported by adverts and affiliate marketing links. If anything would persuade me to learn how to do make-up well, its this lmao. They cant ask to leave them alone at home nor do theywant their party blessed by the presence of these little party wreckers. Elegant Themes have been building the world's most popular WordPress themes for the past 10 years, and rest assured their products will always be improved and maintained. By 4pm, societal standards really will have done all the work for you. I am stuck on *seven hours. Im so sorry you had to go through that. With my tire being flat I've got no way of getting there unfortunately! As part of the largest department in government, our pre-Covid safety meetings were 2-hour wastes of time with 30 agency coordinators listening to nonsense from the person in charge of occupational safety. One year we had an active shooter trainer come in who said anyone in the lobby would be killed right away, including our receptionists (we didnt have bulletproof glass)! Again, lockdown, except for the three classrooms that were directly underneath this workplace grudge-match turned fatal, we scurried like hell into the hallway to the next wings classrooms. Which will be entirely true. Not only was it bad in general, but he had a dumb smile on his face the whole time, using military and law enforcement terminology to make his points. The whole realistic reenactment thing makes people in charge feel like theyre doing more than they are. My ability to consent to this work activity was removed, and I repeated to Jerkface that I did not consent, and he said that was fine but I had to do it anyway. We had one at my former workplace. It wasnt really an active shooter simulation, but for some reason, the approach at the time was Its really important to stay silent, so try to imagine that its real as you cower in this corner. (Spoiler alert 20ish seven- and eight-year-olds are REALLY bad at playing silent sardines, even when the imaginary stakes are high.). Balance this wisely. There is NO WAY she could do a 7 hour (!) My high school did that as well. also, to clarify, it needs to be an employment lawyer. New comments cannot be posted and votes cannot be cast. (And as a 6th grader at the time of Columbineoooof I am so sorry for all of us that literally nothing has changed since then). In my city, people would probably worry (justifiably) that the helicopter was there to shoot and/or deport them. In a real event, it takes a long time for law enforcement to secure each room. My direct boss fought it and tried to get me excused, but her boss was firm that it was required. SEVEN HOURS? While participating in this @#$% drill would be doubly-triply horrible for you, it is not good for anyones mental health and, as Alison mentioned, most likely wouldnt do any good. 2. Im betting theyre planning it for some random time within those 7 hours. As a side comment, if you have not yet sought out a mental health professional who is experienced in dealing with PTSD, you may wish to explore that at some point. excuses to get out of drill weekend Follow us. We remembered the event very differently. Ill come out again soon when Im in a better place. Our annual emergency response/operations training for chemical hazards is 8 hours. If their is no way to get internet or their would be no time they could complete their assignments, i would approve the SUTA - I started out enlisted in MNARNG and have two AC/RC assignments. The timeline itself would be enough for me to push back. I think practicing repeating whatever line works for you, to avoid being needled by him about it in future, might be worthwhile. If you felt deeply about every shooting you hear about as you did about the first, youd be in a padded room. Its a good idea to discuss this with your employer so that they can arrange alternative working arrangements for you. I had to call out that day for a family emergency. SEVEN hours??? But seven hours? It makes it less obvious that it was about the training. And honestly, shes been doing them her whole life in school. Please save yourself from living through a trauma unnecessarily. We should be marching and burning government buildings and performing citizens arrests of corrupt politicians and 1%ers over this. Culture Seven hours is unbelievable, but sounds more like a training event for the police than your workplace. Learn more about me here. 3. I had a panic attack, because I couldnt remember where the nearest light switch was, and because the space was such a labyrinth I couldnt see any of the emergency exit signs. Its about 80% victim-blaming) with an actual drill, andI would not be able to. should I tell my coworker about our colleagues criminal record, I deeply regret joining my companys leadership program, and more, my company is cutting my overworked teams pay as punishment for mistakes. A few months later, my school staged this surprise mock car accident to discourage people from drinking and driving. This training is insufficient for that goal but its not worthless. And as others have pointed out, experts question whether they drills really help anyone anyway. Plus,no one wants to hear the details. Interestingly, this attitude has prevailed even at the two urban campuses Ive worked at where gunfire outside is a not-entirely-uncommon occurrence. want their party blessed by the presence of these little party wreckers. They cant ask to leave them alone at home nor do they. To use this excuse, you need to make a story of how awful that. i hope you get out of this smoothly op! one of the many lies that people tell themselves and others when they have to work with people who really arent that nice at all. But some gossip can cause harm to your team and the organization. I would not be able to control my instinctual reaction to a fake shooter. I was impressed with the tone of the announcements over the PA that communicated to the teachers that they should close their classroom doors, not take their classes out to recess, and so on (I dont remember the language they used) and the teachers just carrying on teaching as if nothing were happening. 7 hour training is Crisis Porn. -Use your weekends wisely. After last years training, TPTB had to send out an email noting that something the trainer suggested was against the systems safety standards, so theres that. What interests me is this is a mass shooting drill, not an active shooter drill. (Voting to change policies CAN help, but not the way were doing it.). What happens if I skip one drill? : r/army - reddit And law enforcement is the last group Id trust with my safety. Since its not one ofthefrequently used excuses, people are most likely to fall for it. Also: Now after 30 years, trying to get out of teaching. This means that a significant proportion of the volunteer labor force comes from people who are already occupied with paid labor elsewhere. He remembers Columbine and Virginia Tech and Aurora and Sandyhook and Parkland and Pulse . We watched a couple videos at my office, and had some PowerPoints. For one we were on lockdown. Heck any drill fir any length of time, for that matter. This is almost enough to make me start using makeup on a regular basis! I know your boss is a big influence in your life/career now but he wont be there forever. There is a debate you can maybe find evidence of online as to whether this is effective. You were asked to attenda raging, booze-filled pub crawlon Friday? excuses to get out of drill weekend Just type I got a call from my father in the morning today, and he is here in town for some work business. We no longer politely hold the door open to let a stranger into our secure building. Im now almost 36 and Ive never held a gun, and aside from police (who have it bolstered), Ive never seen a gun in real life. Im sorry you have to deal with this. I decided to take charge of my horrific dating life and go on an actual date. The day she got back to the office, there was news of multiple mass shootings in the States and she was so unaffected. Add to the fact that you shouldn't be U'ed if the SM provided a valid excuse. Somake a call and tell them how your place is flooded with water and you need to fix itas soon as possible. We were there for hours, literally, while they searched for the possible gunman, then after they caught him, clearing the university to be sure he didnt have an accomplice. I work in a hospital system. That is worse than no training at all. Weekend is a great excuse to get out to the movies. Here are some of As a parent, what do I even do with this information?! The half day will be for transportation. And if we get it wrong, we will talk out ways to stay quiet and not fidget after. I told her that going forward, I would like the opportunity to work remotely on the days of drills or just use my leave entirely and she seemed open to it. You can go the formal accommodations route. Here are some of the films they are showing. Cain gives introverts the tools to better understand themselves and take full advantage of their strengths. I was when I first went to this unit 5.5 years ago. If people ask questions, you may just have to answer them. They were told that had this been a real event, they would be dead. I can say that Im unsurprised, and that thats an attitude that explains a whole hell of a lot that people write into this blog about, like flat wages, exploitative culture, and the constant fear of losing a job and not being able to afford food/exorbitant rent/anything else that was once upon a time attainable. So feel free to call in sick. Forums Could you tell your boss that you already have expert-level knowledge on active shooter drills (and that goading the shooter to kill someone else constitutes a failing grade)? Get the paperwork in place for legal accommodations. If your employer doesnt want you to opt out of the subject matter entirely, they can provide alternatives to a shooter simulation like reading training materials or creating an individual safety plan. Edit: please understand I am NOT a highly motivated soldier. My Dad was a St. John Ambulance volunteer when he was younger, and was a casualty in drills more than once. Id been through a training so I found the safest (not safe, safest) spot in the room and went to it. But since I am pretty much exhausted, I dont need anything more than my bed and a day, sleep. Im so sorry youre dealing with this, OP, and that your boss made a joke about directing a shooter to you. Hey, apologies for flaking, but my babysitter just called and told me she couldnt make it today. 9 Foolproof Excuses To Get Out Of Your Weekend Plans - Junkee Not to deal with the threat to the campus. You Have Diarrhea 7. Turned out that was the best way to surround himself with friends to help remind him he was safe. A seven hour training would be insane for any work place that isnt on a military installation or the Capitol/Pentagon/etc and EVEN THEN it would be bananapants crazy. excuses to get out of drill weekend - zirpp.org The one I attended was for an outbreak of Avian Flu. I could have written this post myself. I think state law might require us to do x number a year. We highly recommend these tried-and-tested tools: The Elegant Themes membership gives you complete access to 87 amazing themes and 3 awesome plugins, including Divi, the ultimate WordPress Theme and Visual Page builder. So it just doesnt arise as a thought in the way that, say, the possibility of sexual harassment or sexual violence is always part of my situational awareness. by 9 Best Practices for Career Success in Your 20s, no.7 get you Promoted, 10 Effective Ways to Deal with Gossip at Work, 7 Common Types of Spam Emails and How to Identify, How to Write a Professional Email At Work (with Examples), how to tell your boss you are not working on weekends professionally, between 10 and 14 days of paid vacation per year, US Department of Labor, Employment and Training Administration, Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, importance of fostering a work-life balance, How to Introduce Yourself at First Day of Work (with Examples), 5 Best Types of Goal Setting Techniques (Succeeding at Work), 10 Basic Types of Leadership Styles and How to Find Your Own, Bad Boss? Her lashes arent jet black! You have a family emergency. When I was 12 I pretended to be a dead body for a drill run by the local police. Im so sorry this is happening to you. The social aspects of man-caused tragedy (shooters/bombings) aside (which I agree with others that acceptance this is the new reality is wrong, will require better funding for mental health/social support/etc that I can vote for), it has been demonstrated time and again that reading about what to do is NOT the same level of preparedness as drills. Sadly, its not a very exclusive club. Seconding the idea that there is an industry built around these things. But I mostly just want to call OP out. Our active shooter training is online, so you can just play the video and ignore it & still get credit. Everytown has some resources regarding that as well. I doubt it. Asking the host for a favor right before they are, holding a party is going to result in your favor. I would say that the same principles apply as the LW. I lost a dear friend to a campus shooting and every time another Active Shooter Training email pops up my stomach drops. I have no idea what kind of training could possible take seven hours. Our local high did one that lasted several hours. My school responded with were going to ring the fire alarm at X time, dont go outside, its too cold and this is ridiculous anyway. Thankfully it was a cold winter and after a few temperature reports to whoever mandated it and a lot of angry parents (especially at other schools who did make kids stand outside on a day that was probably -10F), that stopped. My organization has gone through several stages. The babysitter just called and told me she c. nt make it today Thats all you need to say to them. You got aninvitation to go for a hike on Sunday? how do you handle being pregnant at work? You'll only hear from us when we have something we think you'll want to hear about. Here's a list of foolproof excuses that are sure to get you out of any weekend plan. The best way to make the most of your time in the Drill Army Reserves is to get involved with your unit and fellow soldiers. What Happens if You Miss One Weekend a Month in the National - Synonym I would not call it a mental health day and I would consider missing a couple of days so it does not outright look like I skipped the particular day. When you look back on yourself even 6 months from now, youll be glad you did. "My parents." The blanks are left for you to fill, as you indirectly blame your parents for standing in the way of your weekend plans. Even if it doesnt, she would still have to face a conversation about it the next time she shows up to work, so it doesnt help the problem any. Content warning for anyone who (like me) was curious about this and did google for the original news story: many of the top links I found in the google results included detailed descriptions of the fake-shooters other, unrelated charges (abuse of a minor). This is especially true if you have school-aged children. The five most popular were: golf, basketball, baseball/softball, soccer, and running. How is including that supposed to change the behavior or perception of the students during an actual event in any way? Take care of yourself! Soif anyonewants to talk about it later,; you got yourself a listener. There were public safety officers walking around with labels as the shooter, and they were shooting people, meaning they were telling them that they were shot. As a result of that experience and the PTSD that it caused, my elder kid takes a sick day any time there is an event or training or other triggering occurrence at work. If you do work full time or have family obligations and work part-time, you can only study in the evening and on weekends. I grew up in the Seventies and Eighties in the UK with the IRA. Thank you for sharing this; Im sorry that this has to be a continued topic and continued trauma. that just sounds unrealistic. Maybe they dont want to relive their experiences either? Footage & Music Libraries. Hey really curious, since I am in a tangentially related field; is the same true for fire drills, earthquake drills, etc. You might think this sounds a lot like thecorny my dog ate my homework excuse, but trust us. I always see college as a priority for soldiers, they are taking the time to progress themselves. We didnt have ours as often, and the threat seemed a little more distant, but some of those early ones were poorly handledand (given what weve read about the boss in question) I think letter writers office one sounds like it has the potential to be as well. Read More 10 Reasons Why You Should Work From Home Today!Continue. I know many of them are probably fine, but many are also horror themed. So to me, everyone should have to go thru emergency drills of some sort as our part to reduce our burden on emergency responders. Reading your letter, I immediately jumped to the call out sick recommendation. In last couple of days coming home from work, I see what appears to be potential road rage & it scares me. Forcing people to pretend theyd died???? It can be a good time to start getting migraines I genuinely get them and I cant even look at a screen to email / call in. Basically it was a whole thing staged as if some classmates had gotten in a car with a drunk driver and died, involving the local law enforcement, paramedics, etc., and framed as if it was actually happening and not a drill. This is what Im stuck on. Unfortunately, not all units are able to participate in Drill Weekends. elizabeth baptist church pastor oliver. In college, we watched Run/Hide/Fight training videos and we all glanced at the massive glass windows in the classroom to the hallway. Regardless, it may be worth a try anyway. Take this as the valuable information about him that it is and think about how long youre willing to work for someone who is totally okay with causing you this kind of harm. 3 Sick Day Email Templates to Get the Day Off - Career Sidekick I have 2 young children, not quite school aged. She knows what to do. She was fine, thank goodness. as a manager, should I not wear a childless shirt in my off-hours? If you're looking to develop your communication skills for professional environments even further, we think youll like the following video course from LinkedIn Learning. Often when you are communicating at work, youll need to write a formal email to a coworker, HR, or client. My library system makes staff watch Active Shooter Training videos each year, but theyre just videos. I didnt want to go to the active shooter training (not a drill, a presentation) but went anyway to be a team player. by Just reading the stories in this letter and in the comments has given me nausea. On top of that, everyone was ordered not to use their cell phones. And your supervisor is totally wrong about saying that you cant handle it and are weak. Just in case. By the same token, a person who cant deal with guns being fired in their vicinity is unlikely to be able to work as a law enforcement officer, particularly in the US. Call in sick is what I would do. 4k Images Added per Hour. (everything turned out all right and he actually used the time to talk about chemical reactions, Because Teacher, but it was not a happy day for him). In the meantime, read through these comments and know we are all standing with you. This means that you are no longer allowed to serve in the reserves and will have to leave immediately. If your employer or client asks why you can't or don't want to work on the weekends, you are not obligated to provide a reason. time. Im so sorry youre in this position, OP. When someone says, "We should get brunch this weekend" respond with "I love brunch!" This way you have successfully. CLICK HERE to get your copy of Sorry I'm Late, I Didn't Want to Come from Book Depository. To assist you in this challenging situation, weve written 25 fantastic excuses to get you out of an unavoidable social gathering that you dont want to attend. We were left on our own for that. OP, Im sorry you have to deal with this. 4) Events start to fade, we dont want to be known by that one day, we can slack off on training. 2) Probably wont happen hereright? 1. Yeah, our local transit agency shuts down a station occasionally (usually several hours on a Sunday morning) so all the emergency service people can run a training exercise. Is it a valid excuse to miss national guard drill if I go to - Quora No one processed the paperwork and the slot got filled up every single time. Your boss is being waaaay too cavalier, he should recognize the possibility of one of his employees having already lived through a mass shooting, had family members affected in a mass shooting, or experienced shooting drills in school, even if hes not a huge mental health fanatic. We had emergency drill training (which did include a segment on active shooters), and from the get go there were multiple training options presented. Some of them can be a lot of fun if the team already works well together, but I dont think any of them are useful if the team dynamics are bad. It is easier to dump them into the IRR and then some 79V has to put them back into another unit to make his numbers and repeat the process. (ex. I definitely think Id go the call in sick route. I told them the way you prevent that is to click their heels together and wish real hard. theres nothing we can really do about it, We can, but we wont, because US Americans generally refuse to take responsibility. That is the point. And then if they pushed back, Id advise my staff to call out that day and I wouldnt question it. NTRW is supported by adverts and affiliate marketing links. Its super stressful and also completely irrelevant- I work in retail, we dont even have doors that latch, let alone offices to hide in or barricade. The fact that we landed on lets continually traumatize victims as a preventative measure enrages me. It was investigated, law enforcement believed it was just a rumor, and there would be extra police presence at school the next day. If you play dumb Yeah, I dunno man, it came out of nowhere youll have them feeling sorry for you and totally fine about cancelling. It was a joke call. Lets be honest; we all havethese episodes(ifyou dont, most of us do). Look after yourself. My last workplace did the hide in your office training, which was lackluster in different ways I definitely found it mildly triggering due to experiences Ive had, and we received no training on how to protect our customers. College is not a good excuse for not attending drill. We did an active shooter drill at my organization and I thought it would be similar to the same drills I grew up doing (also a millennial) but it was so much worse than I imagined.

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excuses to get out of drill weekend