stave 3 a christmas carol annotations

A Christmas Carol, then, celebrates the potentiality for redemption in everyone, promotes the idea that it is never too late to learn to love, and elevates the importance of free will. Any Cratchit would have blushed to hint at such a thing. These 20+ slides will help introduce your students to Charles Dickens' novel, A Christmas Carol. Page 3 of 10. Suppose it should break in turning out! There is no doubt whatever about that. Here again were shadows on the window-blind of guests assembling; and there a group of handsome girls, all hooded and fur-booted, and all chattering at once, tripped lightly off to some near neighbour's house; where, woe upon the single man who saw them enterartful witches: well they knew itin a glow! resource to ask questions, find answers, and discuss thenovel. Scrooge awakes when the bell strikes one, and is immediately prepared for the second Ghost's arrival. But they didn't devote the whole evening to music. Spirit, said Scrooge, with an interest he had never felt before, tell me if Tiny Tim will live., I see a vacant seat, replied the Ghost, in the poor chimney-corner, and a crutch without an owner, carefully preserved. He felt that he was restored to consciousness in the right nick of time, for the especial purpose of holding a conference with the second messenger despatched to him through Jacob Marley's intervention. At last the dinner was all done, the cloth was cleared, the hearth swept, and the fire made up. The Grocers. Not to sea? Bob comes home from church with their youngest child, 'Tiny' Tim, who is disabled and walks with a crutch. Uncle Scrooge had imperceptibly become so gay and light of heart, that he would have pledged the unconscious company in return, and thanked them in an inaudible speech, if the Ghost had given him time. Love trumps poverty in Dickens's sentimental portrait of the Cratchits, but he adds a dark note at the end when he reveals Tiny Tim will die unless the future is changed. I know what it is, Fred! His family, dressed in its best clothing, waits for Bob to return from church before they eat dinner. After tea, they had some music. Stave 3 - Mr. DeHart's English Class Fred will continue to invite Scrooge to Christmas and to offer him his friendship, no matter how many times Scrooge refuses. I am very glad to hear it, said Scrooge's nephew, because I haven't any great faith in these young housekeepers. And it was a very uncommon kind of torch, for once or twice, when there were angry words between some dinner-carriers who had jostled each other, he shed a few drops of water on them from it, and their good-humour was restored directly. For they said, it was a shame to quarrel upon Christmas Day. The bell strikes twelve, the Ghost disappears, and Scrooge sees a new phantom, solemn and robed, approach. The Ghost brings Scrooge to a number of other happy Christmas dinners in the city, as well as to celebrations in a miner's house, a lighthouse, and on a ship. A Christmas Carol Plot Summary Ebenezer Scrooge is a miserly old man who believes that Christmas is just an excuse for people to miss work and for idle people to expect handouts. All smiles and compliments, Scrooge tells the boy to go buy the prize turkey from the poultry shop, planning to send it to the Cratchits. It is associated with the holiday season in Western countries and specifically with Thanksgiving in North America. We have seen little attention paid to the religious ceremony of Christmas. 50 terms. Joining their horny hands over the rough table at which they sat, they wished each other Merry Christmas in their can of grog; and one of them: the elder, too, with his face all damaged and scarred with hard weather, as the figure-head of an old ship might be: struck up a sturdy song that was like a Gale in itself. Much they saw, and far they went, and many homes they visited, but always with a happy end. he could accommodate himself to any place with ease; his own kind, generous, hearty nature, and his sympathy, Think of that. Suppose it should not be done enough! `It ends to-night, `It might be a claw, for the flesh there is upon it,. Where Written: Manchester and London. Down in the west the setting sun had left a streak of fiery red, which glared upon the desolation for an instant, like a sullen eye, and frowning lower, lower, lower yet, was lost in the thick gloom of darkest night. Execrable is an adjective used to describe something that is awful or very unpleasant. A Christmas Carol Stave 4. - contrast to Stave 3 when he is ashamed and showing repentance 'I wear the chains i forged in life . 16 terms. Where angels might have sat enthroned devils lurked, and glared out menacing. A Christmas Carol Stave 5 | Shmoop Reading of the text: 0:00 - 04:19Analysis of key quotations: 04:19 - 13:39Reading, discussion and annotation of Dickens' 'A Christmas Carol'. Scrooge spends a lot of the time try to convince his nephew that he doesn't care about Christmas and wants to spend it by himself. He pays for the boy's time, the turkey, and even cab fare for him to haul the thing out to their house. he was ready for a good broad field of strange appearances, and that nothing between a baby and rhinoceros would have astonished him very much. A Christmas Carol Stave 1: Marley's Ghost. When he does, they are transported to the streets on Christmas morning where, despite the gloomy weather, people frolic joyously in the snow as shopkeepers pass out delicious food. A Christmas Carol Stave 3 Summary - The Ghost also reveals two allegorical children hidden in his robes: Ignorance and Want. no perversion of humanity, in any grade, through all the mysteries of wonderful creation, has monsters half so horrible and dread. The fact that Scrooge enter[s] timidly shows that he has been humbled by his meetings with the ghosts and the threat of what will come if he does not change his ways. This detail emphasizes the Cratchit family's poverty. More shame for him, Fred! said Scrooge's niece indignantly. Sit ye down before the fire, my dear, and have a warm, Lord bless ye!, No, no! went gasping round and round their little world in slow and passionless excitement. Slander those who tell it ye! A Christmas Carol, also called Scrooge, British dramatic film, released in 1951, that is widely considered the best adaptation of Charles Dickens 's classic tale of the same name. As the author describes Christmas morning in several paragraphs that follow, what are the people of London not doing? Details Title 'A Christmas Carol' Quotes Stave 3 Description English Literature GCSE Paper 1 Total Cards 10 Subject English Level 10th Grade Created 12/03/2016 Click here to study/print these flashcards . It ends to-night., To-night at midnight. As good as gold, said Bob, and better. Now, being prepared for almost anything, he was not by any means prepared for nothing. Another Victorian parlor game, How, When, and Where is a game in which one player is sent out of the room while the rest of the players think of a certain object or thing. As the last stroke ceased to vibrate, he remembered the prediction of old Jacob Marley, and lifting up his eyes, beheld a solemn Phantom, draped and hooded, coming, like a mist along the ground, towards him. My life upon this globe is very brief, replied the Ghost. Hurrah! Description of Ghost of Christmas Present, Stave 3, this ghost is very different in appearance to all the other ghosts. He hasn't the satisfaction of thinkingha, ha, ha!that he is ever going to benefit Us with it.. What does Charles Dickens mean when he says that every child in the last house Scrooge and the spirit visted was "conducting itself like forty"? For they said, it was a shame to quarrel upon Christmas Day. pg. Charles Dickens - A Christmas Carol (Part 3) | Genius A Christmas Carol ( 1843) by Charles Dickens is a Victorian morality tale of an old and bitter miser, Ebenezer Scrooge, who undergoes a profound experience of redemption over the course of one evening. A Christmas Carol: Annotation-Friendly Edition Ideal for . In easy state upon this couch, there sat a jolly giant, glorious to see; who bore a glowing torch, in shape not unlike Plenty's horn, and held it up, high up, to shed its light on Scrooge, as he came peeping round the door. 48 terms. It is really in this Stave that Dickens brings to life the Christmas that we all know and love today . Everybody else said the same, and they must be allowed to have been competent judges, because they had just had dinner; and, with the dessert upon the table, were clustered round the fire, by lamplight. Wayne, Teddy. Where graceful youth should have filled their features out, and touched them with its freshest tints, a stale and shrivelled hand, like that of age, had pinched, and twisted them, and pulled them into shreds, Where angels might have sat enthroned, devils lurked. But even here, two men who watched the light had made a fire, that through the loophole in the thick stone wall shed out a ray of brightness on the awful sea. `A Merry Christmas to us all, my dears. But when at last, he caught her; when, in spite of all her silken rustlings, and her rapid flutterings past him, he got her into a corner whence there was no escape; then his conduct was the most execrable. See!. But she joined in the forfeits, and loved her love to admiration with all the letters of the alphabet. Not coming upon Christmas day!. The Annotated Christmas Carol, by Charles Dickens, with introduction, notes, and bibliography by Michael Patrick Hearn, illustrated by John Leech, Clarkson N. Potter, 1976. They were a boy and girl. To any kindly given. A light shone from the window of a hut, and swiftly they advanced towards it. No change, no degradation, no perversion of humanity, in any grade, through all the mysteries of wonderful creation, has monsters half so horrible and dread. and A Christmas Carol was written in 1843, so the new Exchange would have been completed very recently. My life upon this globe, is very brief, replied the Ghost. `Are there no workhouses., Scrooge encounters the second of the three Spirits: the enormous, jolly, yet sternly blunt Ghost. The very gold and silver fish, set forth among these choice fruits in a bowl, though members of a dull and stagnant-blooded race, appeared to know that there was something going on; and, to a fish, went gasping round and round their little world in slow and passionless excitement. There were great, round, pot-bellied baskets of chestnuts, shaped like the waistcoats of jolly old gentlemen, lolling at the doors, and tumbling out into the street in their apoplectic opulence. Dickens characterizes Freds deep kindness and caring for his uncle in this way. This idea taking full possession of his mind, he got up softly and shuffled in his slippers to the door. Fred is more aware of how and to what extent Scrooge suffers from his avarice more than Scrooge himself is. Scrooge's niece played well upon the harp; and played among other tunes a simple little air (a mere nothing: you might learn to whistle it in two minutes) which had been familiar to the child who fetched Scrooge from the boarding-school, as he had been reminded by the Ghost of Christmas Past. Oh! nearly closed, with perhaps two shutters down, or one; but through those gaps such glimpses. Scrooge looked about him for the Ghost, and saw it not. Included are worksheets on figurative language, a subject and predicate grammar worksheet, vocabulary definitions and study strips with puzzles, vocabulary test with key, Adapting "A Christmas Carol" Writing Activity, and "A Christmas Carol Christmas Card 6 Products $13.60 $17.00 Save $3.40 View Bundle Description Standards 4 Reviews 198 QA 1. Look, look, down here! exclaimed the Ghost. The Cratchits may not have the money (thanks to Mr. Scrooge) for an elaborate feast in beautiful glassware, but they are celebrating together nonetheless. A Christmas Carol (Part 3) Lyrics Stave 3: The Second of the Three Spirits Awaking in the middle of a prodigiously tough snore, and sitting up in bed to get his thoughts together, Scrooge had. It was a remarkable quality of the Ghost (which Scrooge had observed at the baker's), that notwithstanding his gigantic size, he could accommodate himself to any place with ease; and that he stood beneath a low roof quite as gracefully, and like a supernatural creature, as it was possible he could have done in any lofty hall. Despite being poor and having a crippled son (Tiny Tim), Cratchit and his family rejoice in the holiday spirit. oh the Grocers. Bob Cratchit said, and calmly too, that he regarded it as the greatest success achieved by Mrs. Cratchit since their marriage. 3 Pages. Where graceful youth should have filled their features out, and touched them with its freshest tints, a stale and shrivelled hand, like that of age, had pinched and twisted them, and pulled them into shreds. A CHRISTMAS CAROL ANNOTATIONS | Simanaitis Says As moorlands are typically wet and humid, the adjective desert does not refer to a dry and sandy region, but rather land that is deserted or empty.. PDF A Christmas Carol: Glossary, Commentary and Notes - Dr Bacchus The crisp leaves of holly, mistletoe, and ivy reflected back the light, as if so many little mirrors had been scattered there; and such a mighty blaze went roaring up the chimney, as that dull petrification of a hearth had never known in Scrooges time, or Marleys, or for many and many a winter season gone, Heaped up on the floor, to form a kind of throne, were turkeys, geese, game, poultry, brawn, great joints of meat, sucking-pigs, long wreaths of sausages, mince-pies, plum-puddings, barrels of oysters, red-hot chestnuts, cherry-cheeked apples, juicy oranges, luscious pears, immense twelfth-cakes, and seething bowls of punch, that made the chamber dim with their delicious steam. This may benefit anyone with a top set group or a learner who may need to read the text independently of the rest of the class. An old, old man and woman, with their children and their children's children, and another generation beyond that, all decked out gaily in their holiday attire. It is a fair, even-handed, noble adjustment of things, that while there is infection in disease and sorrow, there is nothing in the world so irresistibly contagious as laughter and good-humour. At the dinner, Mrs. Cratchit curses Scrooge, but her husband reminds her that it is Christmas. I am sorry for him; I couldnt be angry with him if I tried. Long life to him! Mrs. Cratchit made the gravy (ready beforehand in a little saucepan) hissing hot; Master Peter mashed the potatoes with incredible vigour; Miss Belinda sweetened up the apple-sauce; Martha dusted the hot plates; Bob took Tiny Tim beside him in a tiny corner at the table; the two young Cratchits set chairs for everybody, not forgetting themselves, and mounting guard upon their posts, crammed spoons into their mouths, lest they should shriek for goose before their turn came to be helped. Scrooge Quotes - 180 Words | Bartleby carrying their dinners to the baker shops. Grace_Jakobs. "A Christmas Carol Stave Three Summary and Analysis". A Christmas Charol And Industrial Teaching Resources | TPT Explain Ignorance and Want, who appear in stave 3 of A Christmas Carol A strange voice tells him to enter, and when he does, he sees his room has been decked out with Christmas decorations and a feast. Scrooge was the Ogre of the family. A glee is a song performed by a group of three or more and usually a capella. Annotated A Christmas Carol Stave 1.pdf - Google Docs Here's a new game, said Scrooge. Are there no workhouses?'" It is usually frosted, ornamented, and contains a voting bean or coin that is used to decide the king or queen of the feast. It was a great surprise to Scrooge, while listening to the moaning of the wind, and thinking what a solemn thing it was to move on through the lonely darkness over an unknown abyss, whose depths were secrets as profound as Death: it was a great surprise to Scrooge, while thus engaged, to hear a hearty laugh. Scrooge has become more compassionate and understanding for those who are at a disadvantage, a change that is partially prompted by seeing the love that the Cratchits have for the good as gold Tiny Tim. Spirit! But soon the steeples called good people all to church and chapel, and away they came, flocking through the streets in their best clothes, and with their gayest faces. Uncle Scrooge!. pdf, 454.5 KB. That was the pudding! Though watching these games from the sidelines, Scrooge seems to share in their joy and excitement. There, all the children of the house were running out into the snow to meet their married sisters, brothers, cousins, uncles, aunts, and be the first to greet them. Whereat Scrooge's niece's sisterthe plump one with the lace tucker: not the one with the rosesblushed. Scrooge may be guilty of being greedy, grumpy, and uncharitable, but not every person who preaches good cheer is automatically righteous, selfless, and kind. A Christmas Carol - GCSE English Literature Revision - BBC Bitesize A Christmas Carol Quotes 1. The sight of these poor revellers appeared to interest the Spirit very much, for he stood with Scrooge beside him in a baker's doorway, and taking off the covers as their bearers passed, sprinkled incense on their dinners from his torch. We are led to wonder if he will seek to participate in festivities in the real world once he returns to it. The Grocers'! Remember that, and charge their doings on themselves, not us.. Bob had but fifteen Bob a week himself; he pocketed on Saturdays but fifteen copies of his Christian name; and yet the Ghost of Christmas Present blessed his four-roomed house! Alas for Tiny Tim, he bore a little crutch, and had his limbs supported by an iron frame! Scrooge then turns on the clerk and grudgingly gives him Christmas Day off with half payor as he calls it, the one day a year when the clerk is allowed to rob him. Scrooge is then taken to his nephew Fred's house, where Fred tells his pretty wife and his sisters he feels sorry for Scrooge, since his miserly, hateful nature deprives him of pleasure in life. Himself, always. look here. Here, the flickering of the blaze showed preparations for a cosy dinner, with hot plates baking through and through before the fire, and deep red curtains, ready to be drawn, to shut out cold and darkness. Textbook Questions. Culinary aspects of Dickens' tale have already appeared here at SimanaitisSays in "Christmas Meals Galore." In almshouse, hospital, and jail, in misery's every refuge, where vain man in his little brief authority had not made fast the door, and barred the Spirit out, he left his blessing, and taught Scrooge his precepts. There was no doubt about that. These are newborn or very young pigs that are prepared by roasting them whole, which is why a former name for them is "roasting pig.". A moor or moorland is an expanse of uncultivated land that is not suitable for agriculture. Playing at forfeits thus means that the group was playing parlor games in which there were penalties for losing. According to the text Scrooge states very angrily to his nephew that he wants to keep his Christmas to himself. These papers were written primarily by students and provide critical analysis of A Christmas Carol. The room is now adorned with Christmas decorations, a change that symbolizes Scrooges own (hopeful) transformation. A Christmas Carol - Stave 3 Key Quotes Flashcards | Quizlet In both cases, the Ghost suggests that Scrooge has a stake in changing the future. The brisk fire of questioning to which he was exposed elicited from him that he was thinking of an animal, a live animal, rather a disagreeable animal, a savage animal, an animal that growled and grunted sometimes, and talked sometimes, and lived in London, and walked about the streets, and wasn't made a show of, and wasn't led by anybody, and didn't live in a menagerie, and was never killed in a market, and was not a horse, or an ass, or a cow, or a bull, or a tiger, or a dog, or a pig, or a cat, or a bear. Another meaning of the term cant is to sing. The terms double meaning not only influences the tone of the ghosts rebuke, but it also aligns with the continued metaphor of music. Finally, the day is done, and Scrooge goes home to his apartment. He comes in with his small, crippled son, Tiny Tim. and know me better, man!. The walls and ceiling were so hung with living green, that it looked a perfect grove; from every part of which bright gleaming berries glistened. A Christmas Carol Figurative Language Worksheet Answer Key Scrooge encounters the second of the three Spirits: the enormous, jolly, yet sternly blunt Ghost of Christmas Present. He dont do any good with it. There's such a goose, Martha!. a christmas carol index internet sacred text archive A Christmas Carol. Wouldn't you?, You seek to close these places on the Seventh Day? said Scrooge. In Prose. It was a much greater surprise to Scrooge to recognise it as his own nephew's, and to find himself in a bright, dry, gleaming room, with the Spirit standing smiling by his side, and looking at that same nephew with approving affability! A smell like a washing-day! But the whole scene passed off in the breath of the last word spoken by his nephew; and he and the Spirit were again upon their travels. Here is a glass of mulled wine ready to our hand at the moment; and I say Uncle Scrooge! , A Merry Christmas and a happy New Year to the old man, whatever he is! said Scrooge's nephew. Not coming! said Bob, with a sudden declension in his high spirits; for he had been Tim's blood-horse all the way from church, and had come home rampant. Now, Scrooge has accepted this as reality and is no longer a passive participant in his own reclamation, but an active one. Apprehensive - hesitant or fearful Notice that the Ghost of Christmas Present quotes Scrooges statement from the First Stave that if the poor would rather die than go to workhouses, it would only decrease the surplus population. Prompting us to evaluate these words in relation to Tiny Tim, Dickens puts a human face on the plight of Londons poor and uses Scrooges own words to show his growth. The contrast is so silly that it's amusing. He's a comical old fellow, said Scrooge's nephew, that's the truth; and not so pleasant as he might be. All this time, he lay upon his bed, the very core and centre of a blaze of ruddy light, which streamed upon it when the clock proclaimed the hour; and which, being only light, was more alarming than a dozen ghosts, as he was powerless to make out what it meant, or would be at; and was sometimes apprehensive that he might be at that very moment an interesting case of spontaneous combustion, without having the consolation of knowing it. He doesn't believe in all of the good cheer and charity that the season promotes, and he makes sure everyone knows it. From the foldings of its robe it brought two children; wretched, abject, frightful, hideous, miserable. say he will be spared., If these shadows remain unaltered by the Future, none other of my race, returned the Ghost, will find him here. Ironically, by focusing solely on acquiring money to live a happy life free of poverty, Scrooge ends up denying himself any happiness at all. Scrooge even joins in for some of their games, though they are not aware of his ghostly presence. But he raised them speedily on hearing his own name. Create your own flash cards! It was the first of their proceedings which had no heartiness in it. Thus, Dickens creates a kind of bittersweet moment: the reader can see that Scrooge is capable of participating in Christmas cheer, but he is still isolated. I am sorry for him; I couldn't be angry with him if I tried. Summary Read one-minute Sparklet summaries, the detailed stave-by-stave Summary & Analysis, or the Full Book Summary of A Christmas Carol . Five minutes, ten minutes, a quarter of an hour went by, yet nothing came. He encourages Scrooge to deny Ignorance in himself and others. Brawn, also known as head cheese, is a type of cold cut that is usually made of jellied pork. The slides cover the following topics:Who is Charles Dickens (featuring pictures from his house in London)The Industrial .

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stave 3 a christmas carol annotations