vanilla js conditional rendering
Alright, you're probably already thinking ahead at how fragile this code can be. This includes the JavaScript logical && operator. For this coding lab, I thought we had to render everything at once (since that was learning pattern at this point in time)., Array.forEach are part of ES5, not ES6. Ways You Can Implement Conditional Rendering However, the vanilla JavaScrpt DOM API is actually quite capable in its own right, and since IE < 11 has been officially abandoned, it can now be used without any worries. And it is "arguably" quite readable. Okay, but all those plus signs are horrible. But the issue is when i try to use compact version if IF ELSE as i mentioned in my problem statement. This can be done simply with pure JavaScript code in one of two ways: 1. Then the code can grab the template using the document.importNode() method of the DOM API. allows us to get an entire array, for which each item is a function of the corresponding item in another array. Introduction to Server Side Rendering with Next.js - Medium Its all one big thing. Then when I need to update the view, I can create an ajax request to refresh just one of these components at a time. One important thing to keep in mind when returning null, however, is that even though the component doesnt show up, its lifecycle methods are still fired. This week, Im sharing topics from my next pocket guide: Vanilla JS Web Apps. Step 2: Create the initial application. The differences here from rendering a single